Kamilia Dębowska

legal advisor, of-counsel

Professional experience:

Kamilia Dębowska has a long-term experience in providing advisory services to entrepreneurs, including foreign companies as well as companies representing service, technological and construction sectors. Offers professional services in the following areas: 1) combating production and trade in counterfeited goods, including customs duty protection of intellectual property rights; 2) establishing, transformation and liquidation of business entities; 3) personal data protection, including: audit of documents and procedures in terms of compliance with valid laws, consulting related to data processing outsourcing agreement, analysis of incidents related to data security, risk analysis, advisory services regarding selection of organisational and technical types of security, legal consultations regarding protection of trade secret and know-how; 4) business transactions law; 5) corporate law; 6) labour law; 7)  public procurement law; 8) legal representation and execution proceedings. Kamilia Grabowska advises in proceedings conducted under the public procurement law regime, both to contractors as well as to contracting parties; if required, represents clients before the National Appeals Chamber, prepares and negotiates agreement terms, represents clients in difficult disputes with contractors, conducts receivables recovery procedures.


Legal advisor, graduate of the Law Faculty at the Catholic University of Lublin and of postgraduate studies in projects financed from the European Union funds at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw as well as postgraduate studies in business law of new technologies at the Łazarski University.


Warsaw Bar Association


Polish (mother tongue), English (advanced)

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